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3 Ways To Surprise Your Awesome Friends With a Bestie Box

In the hierarchy of needs, we’re pretty sure “keeping pants up” is second only to... supple lips more chocolate This is why we’ve teamed up with two other businesses to create our first-ever care pa...

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Lessons our customers teach us: Our belts travel well!

A funny thing happened on the way to making a flat belt: We realized we have kiiiind of an awesome travel belt on our hands, too. We started getting pictures like these from customers: And then Claire...

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How to thrift shop like a boss: a chat with Edmonton style blogger Nicole Ebbesen Rowan

These are all pics of Nicole' Ebbesen Rowan's finds at thrift-shopping mecca Value Village. I was tipped on to her blog, VV Boutique Style, by a Flatter:Me customer - and was super-delighted when I noticed ...

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Fashion Revolution Day: Why #insideout Matters

So, there's a new kid on the Awareness Day block, and she's called Fashion Revolution Day (@fash_rev, #insideout). We LOVE that, finally, there's a campaign that doesn't ask us where in the world our clothes are made, but who made them - and under what conditions.

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Bye to the 'hai

  Six years ago, I flew to Shanghai with two big suitcases and a student visa. I never imagined I'd stay so long, or that I'd return to Canada with (in no particular order) a cat, a business, and a marria...

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Flatter:Me Community Day - Suit Yourself

Claire here! I've been back in Edmonton for six weeks now - long enough to drink my fill of Tim Horton's, be snowed on twice, and want to give a little bit back to our second hometown. Hence! Something ne...

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Pricing for sustainability

One of the toughest things about running a business? Pricing your product or service - especially in a changing economy. Since we've launched, we've worked hard to keep Flatter:Me priced as accessibly as we ...

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Flatter:Me when you're expecting: Part III

In the third trimester, the best use of a Flatter:Me is to give a round belly an even rounder shape. You know how some of those maternity sweaters or dresses fit... but they make you feel even BIGGER than yo...

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Flatter:Me when you're expecting - Part II

  This pregnancy has flown by! I'm a bit late posting as I've just come back from a long visit with my family in the U.S. (I had to go before I was too uncomfortable to fly!). These days, I'm using my Flatte...

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Yup, it's a maternity belt too!

Hi, I'm Emily! I was the pregnant one in the very first Flatter:Me photo shoot - yep, the one that went into labor just 10 hours later (note from Claire: um, I have the best friends in the world). I'm expe...

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Flatter:Me is growing - meet Kristina!

Up to now, the Flatter:Me team has consisted of the generous friends and family who have offered their time, expertise, and buckle-testing/packaging/sending abilities. However - there was always going to ...

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